life update ; Friday, June 2, 2017
All these pain relievers I’d take in, still I’m in pain.
June 2nd, 7 Ramadhan of 2017.
It's been forever, again. Haha. So, how's life so far ? New update ! I just went to an interview with UniSZA, untuk course Al Quran Sunnah. So, hmm, tak tahu lagi progression macam mana. Hoping I could change my course later :) I dont mind if its far, Insha Allah, sebab as long as aku dapat sambung belajar dalam keadaan aku tahu aku mampu, so I'm fine with it.
I'm still working, and now I'm a full time teacher, ehewhew...Dengan 26 orang murid, idk yet macam mana aku nak bekerja dengan 'akak baru' tu, dah la aku ni janggal orangnya, tak reti bergaul sangat. Even though my mom said, nak malu kenalah dengan tempatnya, but she didnt understand this typa feeling I've had in awhile.
So, do'a do'a juga ni harapnya ada lah peluang aku in the future to further my studies. I'm okay with both, insha Allah. Sambung study tahun ni pun okay, tahun depan pun insha Allah okay, at least dapat kumpul duit banyak sikit ye tak ? Hihi.
Itu je, Salam Ramadhan ke-7 :)